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iCC Prep's Anointed Differentiated Team of Ministers understand their responsibility to the FATHER and parents in the CO-laboring with them in discovering, developing, and enabling YaShaya Disciples to demonstrate their divine design; as each disciple's learning style. learning modality and rate of learning is as diverse as their fingerprints–having unique personalities, temperaments and spiritual gifts that motivate their learning.  Accordingly, our individualized ungraded Academic and Discipleship Model allows disciples to experience learning via various modes of instruction; thereby, receiving the tools needed in the pursuit of KINGDOM EXCELLENCE!

It is the will of our FATHER, as admonished in scripture, for the children of HIS seed to be educated and learned in KINGDOM Laws, Principles; thereby, Lifestyle.  Accordingly, if the unrighteous' philosophies of this world's education system continue to take root in the hearts of our children; the worldview they shall prescribe will be antithetical to the FATHER'S perfect will for their lives–placing our children's eternal destinations in the hands of the enemy. 


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Members who vow to give selflessly to the cause of iCovenant Congregation's Youth Ministry may enroll their seed FREE for one-year in our Third Place Ekklesia

Contact Overseers for information on how you can make a VOW and Sponsor a child's academic and discipleship training.

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